I know we all wish life came with a few complimentary ‘do-overs’, but it doesn’t. So hey- we learn, we grow and we roll with the punches. But if I could give any advice to minimize the senseless troubles I created for myself today, it would be this…..
Don’t abuse that credit card!
Credit means EVERYTHING! My advice is to not have one at all . But If you MUST have a card to build your credit or in case of emergencies, keep the utilization rate under 30% and try to pay the FULL balance off before your bill is due. Making payments not only keeps you in debt, you’ll also end up paying about a Gazillion times more than what you spent!
Save as much money as you can. Even the smallest amounts add up
Start that savings account! No amount is too little. Trust me, you’d like to know that you have funds you can rely on when needed.
Go for the goal oriented guy, not the popular one
I know, who wants the lame that only goes to work and no one notices? (Unless he’s cute, popular and goal oriented 🤔🤔🤔)…Well let me tell you something, that guy is out there securing his future, and trust me, you want parts of that! Being cute and popular is cool and all, but what’s icing with no cake? You need someone with substance! (Just make sure you’re someone of substance too!)
Nope, you’re not ready for a child just yet
Listen to your family, and just wait! Have some fun first, live your life, experience new things. There’s definitely a better time to bring a child into the world… JUST WAIT!
Love a little harder
Life is short. WAY too short…. Love with every fiber of your being. Love and be loved. Tell people you love them more than you can stand.
Don’t walk through life with a negative mindset
It’s get you absolutely nowhere. In fact, it’ll hinder your life from blossoming into all that it could be. Even when your situation is less than desirable, perceive it as good, and it will be 🌟
Not all friendships will last, and that’s ok
It’s ok to lose friends, it’s all a part of life. In fact, you should expect to. People grow up and grow apart. However, build as many positive relationships as you can! There’s nothing like a strong group of people on your team ❤️
Your future is waiting on you. BE SERIOUS ABOUT IT!
NOTHING is more important than your future! It’s literally the life you have to live that’s waiting for you. So take it seriously. Who do you want to be? Start creating that person NOW! Grind now, relax later.
You won’t have it all figured out by 25, but don’t worry
You probably won’t have it all together by the time you’re 25 (maybe not even 35). But try not to stress too much over the timeline you have for yourself. Quit believing you have to be married by 25, have a house by 26, a kid by 27, or own a business , have 6 figure income and the love of your life, by 30…. Those are great goals, but life doesn’t always happen the way we plan. Don’t sweat it. It’ll happen. Maybe sooner, maybe later, but it’ll happen.
Take the risk
If you don’t risk it, you’ll never know! What’s a life filled with a bunch of what ifs? Be weird, be quirky, be the girl that just went for it!
Make traveling a priority!
Travel your heart out! Experience new things, people, places, cultures and food! You don’t have to be rich. Start right where you are – even if it means simply visiting a a few close cities. Be well rounded! The world is a beautiful place! Go explore it!
Don’t follow trends…. Create them
Nothing becomes popular until someone is crazy enough to try it first. Be the crazy one 🤪
Keep your goals private
Because the moment you allow people to know what you have planned for yourself, you could possibly be inviting a lot of negative vibes that’ll just throw you off course. Don’t speak on your goals until they’re done!
The worst thing you can ever do is STOP! Never stop dreaming, never stop reaching new heights and never stop pursing your aspirations in life … No matter how tough your journey gets, never ever EVER stop!
Surround yourself with like-minded people
Surrounding yourself with the right people changes everything. Especially when they’ve already completed the goals you are trying to accomplish. Also, make friends with those who are smarter than you; the goal is to grow – become more well rounded and be a master of your trade. Rid yourself of the ‘Negative Nellies’ and improve your quality of life by involving yourself with right folk.
Don’t say yes, when you really mean NO!
Saying yes to things you really want to say no to, doesn’t benefit you at all. Preserve your peace and don’t agree to things you know you don’t want to do. To avoid the stress of unwanted situations, do yourself a favor, and just say no. It’s perfectly ok.
You’re more than enough. Be happy with YOU
Be happy with who you are. All aspects of YOU, are perfect. Don’t compare yourself, and definitely don’t change who you are at the expense of fitting in. Do what makes YOU happy. You’re already more than enough 😘
Let your intentions be pure… ALWAYS
Have a good heart, and let everything you do be of good intention. Do what’s right, on purpose. Treat people kind, always. Be exactly who you say you are. Be a woman of your word, and most importantly, be honest with yourself about what you want.
Live as if God were watching… because HE is
Enough said…. God is watching! So before you do ANYTHING, ask yourself, “Would He be pleased with me?” Use this as a way to keep yourself in line, and out of trouble. Never stop praying.
Oh! And NEVER EVER mix Red Wine🍷 and Vodka 🍸
Just. Don’t. Do. It. 😩😩😩😩 SOOOO not a good idea. You won’t be ok, and you’ll regret the night, trust me🤦🏾♀️
So there it is, all the advice I wish I could have given myself, and will undoubtedly be giving to my daughters. What would you tell your younger self if you could? Let’s hear it!
Lexi 💋
My neicy, brains + beauty = you -keep doing what you’re doing and share your knowledge and life lessons. You are appreciated.
Love you much, your favorite uncle
Thank you! 😘
This read was absolutely amazing and so right on point!!! I can’t wait to hear more from you!
Thank you! I have lots to talk about! Come visit often! 😘