Throw those Negative Thoughts Away!

By Lexi
February 24, 2020
4 min read

I used to be the most negative person I knew. Seriously, the first words that came out of my mouth or popped into my head were usually always negative. “This is dumb”, “I’m not gonna like that”, “Today is going to be the worst day ever”, “These kids are annoying”… What I’ve noticed is that, whatever I thought or said – always proved to be true. There’s power in the tongue!

Blocking out unwanted thoughts comes with practice. It wasn’t easy for me to trade my normal way of thinking for a more desirable mindset, especially because for me, negativity was sort of a defense mechanism. If I didn’t expect good things to happen, I couldn’t feel let down. It’s much easier to believe the worst of things, because it seems more realistic. But little did I know, I was immensely decreasing the possibility of anything great happening in my life. I had to catch myself when I felt the negativity creeping in – Like, “ok Lexi we ain’t doing this today!” Being a pessimist just wasn’t working for me anymore. I wanted things in my life to change, but first, I knew I had to change my mind.

When I decided to give optimism a try — I, of course, started off with a negative thought, “This is not gonna work”. But interestingly enough, positive thinking has changed me (and my situations) more than I could have imagined.

After a few days of ditching my trash though process, the first thing I noticed was that I felt a lot lighter and pleasant. I wasn’t always the most enjoyable person to be around (seriously, anyone that knows me personally would probably tell you that, at some point, they couldn’t stand being around me – my best friend even calls me Negative Nancy🙄) . My nasty moods would typically stem from what was going on in brain. If I woke up in the morning and told myself the day was going to suck, guess what? It did! Whether it be traffic, the kids driving me up a wall, or simply running out of orange juice (literally) I allowed everything to ruin my day. I started to recite positive affirmations in the morning. I even bought this book to read the moment I opened my eyes, as guidance for the rest of the day. Y’all, listen to me when I tell youbeing angry and gloomy all the time is not cool! It’s basically self torment.  It’s like, I was purposely making my life harder – and for what???

Besides an enlightened mood, I quickly noticed my situations changing. It’s literally as if we have some sort of telekinetic power, where we can move bad situations away from us and attract more desirable happenings – just with our thoughts alone.  Are our minds really that powerful? Although things may not literally change, our perception of the matter is what makes it easier to handle. So why not make an effort to perceive things in your favor? Remember — is the glass half empty, or half full….

Why do we allow ourselves to pollute our minds with such crap? Seriously, are we crazy enough to believe that thinking poorly about ourselves or our situations will make anything better? When was the last time you were negative about something and it improved your life in any way? Did your relationship improve? Or The way you felt about your job? — No, right? ….

Recondition the way you think. Really give yourself a little mindset therapy. Stop holding grudges, stop getting upset about things that are outside of your control, stop using words like “can’t”, “no” won’t”.. and when things don’t go your way, get over it! Not everything will. But your words have power… Your thoughts have power — so use them to your advantage. My quality of life improved, because I told myself it would. I didn’t want to walk through life any longer with this gray cloud over my head. My daughter thought I was mean, my man thought I had too much of an attitude…..  I just wanted to change. I wanted to be happy. And now, I am☺…

  As you alter the way you think and speak, a more desirable life will follow…. I promise!

