Ok, so you’re thinking of going skydiving? Great decision! Here, I’ll give you guys my experience with Sky’s The Limit Skydiving Center, and tips on what to expect. But before you change your mind, let’s *jump* right in…
On each of his birthdays, I vowed that I would have my fiancé do something new. This way, we gain a fresh experience every year, and I also get to check things off my own bucket list.
Skydiving is probably one the most thrilling activities you would ever experience. Typically, people talk themselves out of it before they even consider falling thousands of feet out of the sky; 5,000 feet to be exact – But here’s what I got from the experience, and seriously, there’s NO need to be afraid.
• The anxiety doesn’t last…
From the moment you finalize your plans to skydive, up until the moment you jump, you’re going to feel more nervous than you ever have. I remember not being able to stop thinking about the fall, and nearly talking myself out of going through with it at all.
The night before, your anxiety is on an all-time high, and you probably won’t get much sleep. You’re thinking, “Omg, am I really going through with this? What the heck am I thinking?!” Then, soon enough, you find yourself in an airplane, sitting in the entry of an open door high in the sky. Clouds floating past you, and at this point, you feel like you’re about to faint. Oh, and that gut wrenching feeling you get at the top of a roller-coaster right before you drop; you’re going to feel that way up until the moment you take that very brave fall. But that’s it…… After you drop, it’s over. The anxiety, fear and anticipation you felt up until this point is all gone. This is where you start to appreciate the beauty of the experience. You’re flying, and you can’t believe it! Don’t overthink it! It’s NOT as scary as you would like to believe.
The funny thing about fear is, when you face it, it runs away.
• Feeling of accomplishment and boost in confidence
After the whole ordeal, I was amazed, ecstatic and downright proud of myself. I felt confident and the feeling of accomplishment was almost overwhelming. We were the first of our family and friends to even consider such a thing. Can you imagine doing something you had already told yourself was the scariest thing in the world? Something most people would talk themselves out of because of their unmerited fear and silly presumptions? After defeating such a “monster” you’re going to feel as if you can do anything. It’s honestly the greatest feeling in the world; I mean seriously, nothing compares.
•Bragging rights
Another upside to skydiving is the ability to brag about it! That’s right, you get to be the cool person among your peers that did something so BAD-ASS! And let’s not forget, you now own some very cool footage to post on social media . I enjoyed talking about my experience. But what I enjoyed even more was the admiration I received from others for being so brave.
What I want people to realize the most is, everything is about perception. Your perception will make or break ANY situation you face in life. If you walk into, seemingly, scary situations with a negative mind frame – telling yourself things like, “I can’t do that” or “That’s too dangerous, too much of a risk”, you’re going to miss out on some pretty cool experiences. So just GO FOR IT! I promise you; you won’t regret it!
Also, keep in mind, that if you’re not experienced, you will more than likely be required to do a Tandem Dive your first couple of times. This is where an instructor is strapped to you for the duration of the jump. They handle everything! So no need to worry about the parachute not working and becoming a pancake on the ground (because I’ve had the nightmare at least 3 times). This definitely made my decision to skydive a lot easier, and put my mind at ease.
You can watch me go through ALL the emotions! See our full experience here!
So, have you ever gone skydiving? What was your experience like? For those who haven’t, do you think you’re brave enough to do it yet?